Here in the UK, over 10 million people celebrated the special hour to demonstrate their support for such a worthy cause. Some of the most well known iconic landmarks around the country turned off their lights in support of Earth Hour, including in London, places such as The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.
There was more support around the country from places such as Brighton Pier to Old Trafford too. Throughout the country, there were many celebrations in a call for climate action – an issue that in 2016 has never been more pressing and important in our lives.
On Saturday 19th March 2016, a celebration took place around the world where people turned off all their light switches for a whole hour in order to support the environment and care about our planet. Set up by the World Wide Fund for Nature, the first-ever Earth Hour event took place in Sydney, Australia, back in 2007. Almost a decade later, the annual event has become bigger, supported by more than 170 countries and territories!
Climate Change Issues
The unique Earth Hour event enables ordinary people with the opportunity to unite with one voice to tackle climate change. Everyone can play their role and seize the moment.
Both at The Arctic and the North Pole, there are recent indications of highly unusual temperatures and weather conditions with warmer temperatures experienced.
Throughout the world, there is evidence of the impact our activities are having on the environment. The good news is that a climate agreement has been made by 195 countries to avoid the risk of catastrophic climate change.
By spreading the message of how we can live more sustainably across the world, Earth Hour has put a firm spotlight on the serious climate issues our planet is facing. Each year, the global event gets bigger and bigger, with more countries joining in and taking part.
The lights-out display is symbolic but has an important message to share which is to protect the future of our planet. You can take action by joining the next annual event which occurs on 25th March 2017. For further information on how to join and take action, visit:
Here at Crown Oil Environmental, we are dedicated to providing businesses with environmental support when it comes to using oil and fuel. Our services include fuel polishing, fuel uplift, fuel oil testing, tank cleaning and tank decommissioning as well as fuel contamination.
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